Thursday, February 13, 2020


After the employee picnic, I said, "fuck it" and threw the keys into the crowd. Nobody picked them up because, you know, after you manufacture the final version of a time machine that will take you 3 months ahead or 300 years before, you can't exactly depend on the open source community to keep tabs on the source code and not add wheelchair access to it in order to be more inclusive.

I didn't have much to pack but I did stick around long enough to see people off. Many chose to live in the past. Some chose the future. No police arrived to stop me so I assumed they were all well off. Some begged me to continue working on it but what else is there to do? The product is done.

Eventually, I would use the machine during an atomic blast and end up in infinity where I belong. Or at least I thought I belonged, but hell, at least I could tell people I was out of time and mean it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
