Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Okay, fine, fuck this. Fuck the entire planet. And I tried. I really tried, and failed.

Just as I found out that the nuclear keys I won from some Russian col0nel were in fact real, but hey guess what, didn't do shit if you had two people with you, so now I got two keys and no bombs. You want to know how many peobut not

I sulkily (is that a word?) moved from the facility and didn't care. I was gangraped with drugs and no drugs or pussy or cock), which later on it pissed me off but not eno0ugh to care. Give me a minute to care, yo?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


They had finally tracked me down and after a 4 hour or 4 year stand-off, I finally got down on my knees with hands raised and surrendered. It wasn't that I wanted to get caught, it's just that I couldn't damn well ask anyone why I was being chased, but due to the irradiated path I just left, I figured I'd be a smartass and ask anyways.

After I was processed I was taken to a non-descript room with a table, two chairs, camera, window, and who fucking cares what else. I was made to sit there for an hour or two before some woman in a suit entered and made her way to the chair opposite to me.

"Okay," she said, sitting down while rubbing the stress out of her eyes. "Okay, let's see." She began to thumb through this phonebook-thick file that was apparently on me, sighing every once in a while. After a few fucks and damns, she laid her glasses on the table and nodded to the window.

A man entered with a baby.

"We'll forgive everything if..." and I knew what she wanted.

I would raise this child. I would read to it. I would play games with it. We'd bake cookies and biscuits together. I'd take it out to the dirt mound with a spoon and dig with it. I'd carry it to the many colors the forest has and explain everything and what it was seeing. I would feed it, bathe it, dress it, hold its hand, hug it, and finally, put it to bed.

All the while I was thinking this, and by the smile I felt on my face, the child grew a few years. The man took the child away at once.

"Never mind," the woman said, shaking her head. "You even fucked that up."

Goddammit, what did I do?